There are few things discussed more in our working lives than leadership.  Have we made leadership so complicated it seems unattainable?  It can become so daunting a concept people can become discouraged & avoid it altogether to instead focus on other aspects of our lives/careers we seem to able to control.  Why?  Isn’t it worth it?  Of course, it’s my feeling that it is & the decision to serve others has the power to transform your life journey!

“Leaders are made not born.”  -Vince Lombardi

What did he mean?   Can you really make a great leader?   My feeling is that he meant to inspire each of us to find what we’re good at, strive to be the best & remain optimistic that success will follow.  With self-reflection & intense desire to consistently dedicate efforts in this area you’ll grow.  You own your translation of what he meant & these findings can help you discover your authentic leadership “brand”.  This foothold will give you the confidence needed for the work ahead.

When asked about the topic of leadership, Colin Powell describes what it means to him (and who taught him) in this short video.

Colin Powell on Leadership


Remember, only you have the power to choose your mentors & we can learn something from everyone if we choose.  Just because someone has a position of responsibility above you doesn’t mean they are automatically a mentor.  Likewise, those who you lead may not see YOU as a mentor.  Becoming comfortable with this fact (for real) can be very freeing.  Give them your best & time will determine the value you provided!


We all make mistakes; modeling the boss you wish you had will keep you genuine & humble.  In this Harvard Business Review video, they outline some of the top focus areas for all of us to use for self-reflection.

Mistakes Leaders Make


Today we have the luxury of so many great resources available at our fingertips anytime, anywhere.   Finding the people we relate to will consistently feed our curiosity, creativity & growth.  Here are a few of my trusted go-to thinkers & doers.  Is your list serving your needs in leadership development?

Peter Drucker, Marshall Goldsmith, Simon Sinek, Gary Hamel, Robert Townsend, Dick Winters, Bill Walsh, Colin Powell, Vince Lombardi, John Maxwell, Ken Blanchard, Steven Covey, John Wooden, Dale Carnegie, Bill Parcells.

Strive to learn something new every day to get 1% better than yesterday & your journey will be impactful in service to others.  There’s no better time than now to live the life you can imagine.  Learn all you can & give it away to inspire others to do the same!

All the best,

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