This was the foundation of my decision to try to become the best leader possible. It’s helpful for me to separate when I need to manage (resources) & when leadership (people) is required. Fix processes & coach people. Making this distinction helps me categorize my time & energy.
Gratitude works. Saying “thanks” is definitely an underutilized form of compensation. We all want to feel our contributions are valued & a genuine connection can go a long way to show it!
Show Hope
Intrinsically I feel it’s better to work “towards” something instead of having projects to work on. Pretty sure it feels that way to others as well!
Speak to their needs
Getting to know the people we work with, really know them, is never time wasted. Tapping into their strengths, passions & goals shows authentic interest in their growth as valued members of the team.
Staying positive is infectious! Building your “flexible optimism” muscle is truly worthwhile. On difficult days, this gift helps everyone.
Help them Win!
I’ve tried to eliminate the word “lose” from my vocabulary. It’s negative & I simply don’t like it. We either win or learn….lose is just not a part of that life process.
Simplify the message
Boiling down anything overly complex into something manageable & easy to understand can be the spark needed to get on with it!
This one is proving hard for me. I’ve tried taking notes during conversations to help slow down my impulse to respond. Waiting to talk is rude & devalues the messenger. When speaking, the moment my breath runs out I try to let the thought be finished.
Stop digging!
When stuck I use the “3 if” rule; if there exist three aspects of any project that just don’t feel right or are out of my control it’s time to move on. My efforts can be utilized better somewhere else. At Facebook they have a saying; “Done is better than perfect!” Moving the project on & involving other team members revitalizes momentum.
Responsibilities not Rights
Focusing on my responsibilities instead of what I deserve keeps me grounded with my personal values. The example I set for others is really who I am to them. Be the boss you’ve always wanted & the spark of trust will come your way!
Huge vision…right size tasks
Having the ability to dream of what could be & communicating it is truly powerful. Likewise, the skill of identifying how & what is needed to get there provides the inspiration for getting things moving!
Think like you’re self-employed
This keeps me in tune with making sure I’m doing my best for the goals of the enterprise. The back pressure you’d feel as a business owner would probably be twice the stress. Would you write that paycheck to yourself?
No excuses
I make mistakes every day. If you’re falling down through taking risks there is learning going on. Nobody will fault your effort. When frustration sets in, emotions can take over. I’ve tried to employ the example from the movie “Saving Private Ryan” to always complain up. Venting a little is healthy but when it evolves into circular logic it becomes damaging. Own your perspective & leave it once you’ve said your peace. Celebrate a victory, don’t get too down when something doesn’t go well, learn what you can & have a short memory for the rest. The 24-hour rule helps keep me focused on the part of life we can change…tomorrow!
Eyeball to Eyeball
Nothing takes the place of human interaction. When possible, tackle issues in person & solutions will follow. Leading people takes time, establishing & maintaining relationships are worth it. Their successful contributions give back to us in spades!
Deciding to lead no matter where you are in your career or the organizational chart will come with some criticism. Heed Bill Belichick’s advice & trust that you are enough because you’re stepping out to focus on others. Be authentically vulnerable & transformation will happen. Leaders don’t create followers they create more leaders. Look forward to your thoughts & perspectives. Engage & inspire!
All the best,
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