Common sense for the art of leading!

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Risky or not?

Out on a limb Twain

Starting any new venture can be scary.  Deciding to tap into our creative entrepreneurial spirit can take a lot of courage, patience & a bit of ignoring our insecurities.

Recently heard Tim Ferriss Podcast interview with Sir Richard Branson.  One of the stories Branson told was of how he got into the airline business.  He was trying to get home after a 3-week business trip when his flight was cancelled.  He really wanted to get back to see his girlfriend & didn’t take this news lightly.  Branson went to the airport operations center to inquire about renting an airplane to get to his destination.  There was one available so he threw down his credit card & immediately went to all the folks on his cancelled flight to offer them seats on his charter flight.  The plane sold out & they all got to their destination that night!

Soon after this experience Branson pitched the idea of going into the airline business to some of the Virgin board members.  They would start with one plane as he had called Boeing prior to the meeting to see if there was a used jet for sale.  They thought he was a little crazy to say the least.  He went on to explain that he would mitigate the risk of this new venture by negotiating the return of the jet to Boeing after 1 year in business if it didn’t work out.  The board approved, Boeing agreed & obviously they didn’t have to return the jet!

This is a great example of not one but two seemingly wild risky moves.  Branson’s track record of mitigating the risks of new ventures is astounding.  He stated the establishment of the right relationships are the key to negotiating & mitigating overall new business risks.

After starting this writing project it occurred to me the impact could be greater if it was connected to my other accounts.  Could this provide just such leverage?  So what stopped you from doing it, you ask?  In taking a hard look at my insecurities I found some answers.

Confirmation Bias

We’ve all shared our “moonlighting” projects with others at some point.  It’s always energizing to talk about a new focus area with people we think share our same passion or at the least will be encouraging to continue.  In searching my memories of those people I’ve shared this venture with it seems I already knew they would support me before the conversation began.  This is an awesome feeling & can provide energy to keep going.  However, we also know having a good mix of people who provide different insights is critical.  This purposeful seeking of alternate points of view can help refine the impact we’re trying to have.  Not always easy to hear this kind of feedback but it’s essential for our success.

Learn the Trade not just the Tricks

Ideas are powerful things!  It’s these moments of inspiration that can give us focus to pursue different paths & connect with new mentors.  We’ve all known people who have jumped in the pool before seeing how the water is.  New business ventures fail every day & in fact, more than likely it’s the future of most.  We can’t let this reality stop us!  Michael Jordan wrote a little book a few years back called “I can’t accept not trying”.  In it he states “we miss 100% of the shots we don’t take”.  We judge ourselves out of trying at all because of some insecurity or “Debbie downer” advice.  If you’re really passionate about your new idea, do the work, find out all you can & do it.  This will translate to those who believe the same things you believe & help propel your success.  Without this desire to improve in a passion area, we spend time on our “exit strategy” instead of becoming a “go to” person in the line of work we hope to make an impact in.  We’ve essentially admitted it might fail & given ourselves permission to do just that.  If we strive to be the best & it doesn’t work out, what we’ve learned adds wisdom to our lives & is a great example for others to take some risks.  Zig Ziglar is right….”Failure is an event, not a person.”

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

Once you start work on anything you have a passion for it often doesn’t feel like work…it’s fun!  After all, we always find time for the things that are important to us. Putting this energy out into the universe creates the acceptance space, you’ve given yourself permission to succeed!  Don’t go for the “low hanging fruit” go for an agricultural model of growing your knowledge & expertise.  Instead of pushing to improve, cultivate your own potential.  The seeds you plant today will soon become an “orchard” others can benefit from.

One of my college professors lives by & taught his students the rule of avoiding “paralysis by analysis”.  We can talk ourselves out of starting just about anything.  Yes, putting yourself out there on that “limb” takes courage but the personal growth is worth it.  Maybe you’ve heard the story of six frogs sitting on a log.  Four decide to jump off.  How many are left?  Still six, because deciding is different from doing.  The real risk is dealing with the regret of not doing.  Take the old Nike call to action & “Just Do It”, you might just surprise yourself!

All the best,


Follow Karl Bradley on

Your Leadership Puzzle!

Leadership sythesis Wordle!

Clues to guide leadership development often prove to be more art than science.  So many of these concepts live in the part of our brain that deals with feelings & not language.  This fact alone can make conveying them difficult at best.  Here are some of the tools we can all utilize to begin the journey of putting together what I call your leadership puzzle.


We all find time to do the things that are most important to us.  What do you spend 5 hours doing & it seems like 5 minutes?  What was the thing you did at home/work that when you finished you felt engaged & inspired?  Write it down, look at it, study it.  Trust your gut because connecting everything about who you are to this will show you the work you have to do to contribute to the world!


There are many ways to crack open what makes you, you.  What matters most here is that you remain open-minded & not judgmental in any exercise you choose.  There are an endless amount of factors that can affect the outcome of any evaluation so be sure to get enough rest, pick a good time of day for you & trust your initial reactions.  Myers Briggs Type Indicator or 4 Lenses are great ones, pick one that speaks to you or is recommended. is a great way to get away from the typical personality test & shed light on what you’re really good at naturally.  With these evaluations your puzzle will begin to come into focus as who you are relates to your true talents.


This is an often overlooked part of how we all interact with the world around us.  These tests tell us about what kind of environment works best for each of us.  Discovering where your strongest foothold lies as either a listener, hands-on or reader can be an “a-ha” moment.  Humans are very adaptable.  We can all learn to survive in any of these but living in an environment for too long that’s not our natural tendency can lead to coping instead of thriving.


In a previous post I shared an exercise that is totally worthwhile.  Read my “A Values Exercise” offering for full details.  Once you’ve got your top 3 things, record yourself describing them.  Be sure to answer what they are, why they’re important & how you embody them in daily life.  Listen back & once you get over the sound of your own voice these will no doubt surface when you meet someone & they ask “what do you do?”


There was a lady in one of my leadership development workshops that wrote down “hair & make-up” for her passion item.  She then discovered aspects of her personality that fit perfectly; people energized her, reasonable high emotional intelligence, etc.  She was totally kinesthetic in her interacting with any environment around her.

She happened to be not so happy with the job she was doing at the time.  Loved working for the company but “felt” there might be a better fit for her somewhere else.  She was right!  She had developed a moonlighting hair & make-up studio that was interfering with her home life making things out of balance.  Coping to survive.  After leaving the workshop she began seeking out new opportunities inside the company & 6 months after sent me a message about switching jobs.  She had done it!  She found the courage & had the information to convey why she needed something new, what that might look like & how she would contribute better with her strengths.  Since then, she has been totally motivated to come to work, is more efficient/effective & has found balance for increased quality of life.  Everyone wins!


Putting together your leadership puzzle begins with you asking hard questions to discover & be comfortable with you.  We’ve all worked around people who are insecure in some way.  This leads to increased vulnerability at every turn.  However, you’ll be less likely for these emotions to undermine your life/work if you simply know yourself better.  There isn’t life, there are just 6 billion understandings of it.  Be who you are, do the work you love in the manner you’re most comfortable & you’ll inspire others along the way to do the same!

Your leadership journey begins with a focus on your puzzle pieces.  Putting them together in such a way that stays true to you will allow you to lead others the way they deserve in the way only you can.  Take this common sense approach & don’t settle because you, your family, the organization & the world deserves you at your best!

Ricardo Semler says “Successful companies will be the ones that put quality of life first.  Do this and the rest – quality of product, productivity of workers, profits for all – will follow.”  Life is too short, work someplace awesome that supports a holistic view of personal/professional growth!

All the best,

Follow Karl Bradley on

My top TED Talks…so far

Leaders are lifelong learners & if you haven’t discovered TED Talks yet you must!  It’s a great resource for thought leadership in so many different fields & myriad of topics.  The following links are just a few of the presentations that have served me well as I hope they do for you.  Dig in to the Ted site to find inspiration on your passion & enjoy!

If any of these speakers inspired you for more, each of them has a ton of additional offerings on the web.  Who knows, maybe we’ll see you on the TED Talk stage someday making the world better with your great ideas.  Powerful ideas don’t take off until someone joins the cause.  You have the power to change the world…one person at a time!

All the best,


Follow Karl Bradley on

What do you value most?

It’s my hope there is at least one takeaway throughout my offerings that will help you become the best version of yourself to make the world a better place through discovering your value to it!


A few years ago I was encouraged by a mentor to develop a professional development class focusing on one of my passions….helping others connect passion with profession.  This led to many discoveries about what was important to know about ourselves such as our personality traits, learning modality, time vs. energy management & not the least of which…our values.

If You Don’t Stand for Something…

You’ll Fall for Anything

Not sure who is credited with this saying but if you’ve done any self-reflection you know it to be true.  For our purposes here lets separate ethics from values.  The “Mirror” test;  if you can look yourself in the mirror & are totally confident the decisions you made during the day, week, month or in life were made with personal integrity then you passed the ethics test.  Congrats!  However, our values are something much different!

What do you value?  How do you figure them out?  Why is it important to identify them?  To live your most authentic life it’s essential to go on this journey.  Living someone else’s values won’t last & our well-being can be negatively affected.  They’ll fade away as soon as we’re challenged.  Start by writing down something you have a passion for.  What’s the itch that you’re always scratching?  What thing do you do for 5 hours & it seems like 5 minutes?  Next, write down the concepts that connect with why your passion area is a “must do” for you.  It may take a list of 10 or more, don’t judge them initially just put them down.  Discover the big concept connections & boil the list down to 3 or 4 overarching values.  If they are the values you’d die for then you’ve got your list!

Sample Exercise!

The following exercise is taken from a Character & Leadership class taught at The United States Air Force Academy & one I’ve facilitated many times with great results for the individuals who dig in with an open mind!

Imagine, if you will, you live in a society that limits individual rights & due to those limitations you can only choose 3 things you value most in life.  Write them down.  They can be anything such as family, faith, knowledge, etc.  Trust me you need to have three, the first two will be relatively easy but the third takes real engagement!

Next, societies rules have changed & you have to lose one of your value items.  This will be a difficult decision, think hard & tear it away from your list.

Next, the society tightens once more & you are forced to lose another value item.  Think hard & tear it away from the list.  Now you’re left with the most important aspect of life you value most.

Understanding our own values & having the ability to express “why” they are important to us can assist in our empathetic approach to those around us at home, work & communities.  Empathy is the glue that holds societies together!  Our individual “value” baseline helps them move forward in a positive direction.  Whether you can speak to them or not, our behaviors are an example of them every day!

As you can imagine, in a group setting the value concepts people choose to give up are very interesting to read aloud to the class, anonymously of course.  One of the best moments in class has been the reveal of one person’s final value…..AIR!  This totally broke the seriousness of the moment but cemented the intrinsic “value” of the exercise.

As you hopefully have now experienced, this has the potential of being the most poignant self-reflection gift we can give ourselves.  Hope this helps in some small way!

All the best!


*Thanks to Bob Vasquez for exposing me to this concept & allowing me to facilitate his class at the Academy alongside him.  Most of all I thank him for his friendship & mentorship.  Thanks Chief, you’re the best!
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