Common sense for the art of leading!

Tag: focus


When things get tight it seems we always are expected to do more with less…not less with less.  This can lead to that uncomfortable feeling of being overwhelmed.  While this one post won’t be able to address the cause here are a couple things to help deal with the symptoms…


The start is what stops most people.  Just pick something & accomplish it.  Whether you start with something you don’t care for or something you love, just getting it checked off the list will help create some momentum.


Try not to touch anything twice.  Open that email, do what you need to do & move it on.  Don’t wait until later, trust me, we all forget & hold up progress when we wait.  This is your anti-procrastination tool.  Sometimes done is better than perfect!

These 2 simple but powerful behaviors will inspire teammates…because together is better!


Most of us start out the day with great intentions to get lots of meaningful stuff done. Often, these great intentions get thrown off track by things we didn’t anticipate or plan for & we get half of our “to-do” list accomplished. Here’s a fairly well-known plan from Peter Bregman for more success.

We can’t manage time, we’ve all got 24-hours, no more & no less.  What we can manage is our focus & how we use our time.  Take 5-minutes at the beginning of each day to make a plan.  Block out time for each of the main tasks you’d like to accomplish & then get into it!

Set an alarm to alert you every hour & take 1 minute to go over what you’ve completed in the last hour, review your plan & the progress you’ve made or where you’ve gotten off track.  Refocus on your priorities & dive in again!

The plan in short…

-5 minutes in the morning to solidify your plan

-1 minute each hour to review & refocus

-5 minutes at the end of the day to review how it all went & begin the next days plan

18-minutes can be the little bit of structure & discipline we need to get more done & finish with more satisfaction every day!

Find out more about this concept & Peter Bregman’s book here!

Get 3 Unconventional Strategies for Boosting Workplace Productivity here!

Best,  Karl
Follow Karl Bradley on

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